
Variables globales Prestashop

{$} -> Name of the active currency. 
{$currency.iso_code} -> ISO language code enabled. 
{$currency.sign} -> Symbol of the active currency 
{$currency.iso_code_num} -> Active Currency ISO Code

{$} -> Store name in Prestashop 1.7 
{$} -> Store Email in Prestashop 1.7 
{$shop.logo} -> Image routing store logo in Prestashop 1.7 
{$shop.favicon} -> Route favicon image of the store in Prestashop 1.7 
{$shop.address.address1} -> Store address 1 in Prestashop 1.7 
{$shop.address.address2} -> Store address 2 in Prestashop 1.7 
{$shop.address.postcode} -> Store Zip Code in Prestashop 1.7 
{$} -> Store City in Prestashop 1.7 
{$shop.address.state} -> Province of the store in Prestashop 1.7 
{$} -> Shop Country in Prestashop 1.7 
{$} -> Store phone in Prestashop 1.7 
{$shop.fax} -> Store Fax in Prestashop 1.7

{$} -> Language name enabled 
{$language.iso_code} -> ISO language code enabled 
{$language.language_code} -> Language code enabled (for Spanish, fr for French, tc ..) 
{$language.is_rtl} -> (1 -> On / 0 Off (for when language is written from right to left) 
{$language.format_lite} and {$ language.format_full} -> Simulated date format and full date format 
{$} -> Language ID enabled

{$customer.lastname} -> Customer Last Name in Prestashop 1.7
{$customer.firstname} -> Client Name Prestashop 1.7
{$} -> Prestashop Customer Email 1.7
{$customer.birthday} -> Prestashop client birthday 1.7
{$customer.newsletter} -> Subscribed to the newsletter in Prestashop 1.7 (1 subscribed / 0 unsubscribed)
{$customer.newsletter_date_add} -> Newsletter subscription date
{$customer.ip_registration_newsletter} -> IP Registration Customers newsletter
{$customer.optin} -> Subscribed to offers from our partners in Prestashop 1.7 
{$customer.date_add} -> Client creation date in Prestashop 1.7
{$customer.date_upd} -> Last updated client update in Prestashop 1.7
{$} -> Customer ID in Prestashop 1.7
{$customer.id_default_group} -> Default group to which the client is associated in Prestashop 1.7
{$customer.is_logged } -> Check if the client is «logged in» in Prestashop 1.7
{$ [$]} -> Client Gender (Mr / Ms)
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .city} -> Client city of address ‘X’ that has partner. (Address ID, because a client can theoretically have multiple addresses)
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .alias} -> Address alias
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .firstname} -> Addressholder last name
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .lastname} -> Name of address holder
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .company} -> Company name of address holder
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .address1} -> Address 1
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .address2} -> Address 2
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .postcode} -> Mailing address
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .id_state} -> Address Province ID
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .state} -> Province address
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .state_iso} -> ISO address province code
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .id_country} -> Country address ID
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .country} -> Country of address
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .country_iso} -> ISO country address code
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .phone} -> Address phone
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .phone_mobile} -> Mobile phone address
{$customer.addresses [ID Address] .dni} -> Address ID
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .vat_number} -> Customer VAT number
{$customer.addresses [Address ID] .formatted} -> Client formatted address

{$urls.base_url} -> Store address 
{$urls.current_url} -> Current address (url) where we are 
{$urls.shop_domain_url} -> Store domain 
{$urls.img_ps_url} -> Image root directory url 
{$urls.img_cat_url} -> Url directory of images of the categories 
{$urls.img_lang_url} -> Url of the language images directory 
{$urls.img_prod_url} -> Url of the product images directory 
{$urls.img_manu_url} -> Url directory of manufacturers images 
{$urls.img_sup_url} -> Url of the providers directory 
{$urls.img_ship_url} -> Url directory of images of carriers 
{$urls.img_url} -> Url of the image directory of the template 
{$urls.css_url} -> Template URL directory url 
{$urls.js_url} -> Template JS directory url 
{$urls.pic_url} -> Url file directory uploaded 
{$urls.pages.address} -> Url from the «My Address» section 
{$urls.pages.addresses} -> Url from the «My addresses» section 
{$urls.pages.authentication} -> Url section of the authentication page 
{$urls.pages.cart} -> Cart section url (order summary) 
{$urls.pages.category} -> Url section of categories 
{$urls.pages.cms} -> Url of the content section 
{$} – > Url section of the contact form 
{$} -> Url of the discount voucher section 
{$urls.pages.guest_tracking} -> Tracking url for unregistered clients 
{$urls.pages.history} -> Url from the order history section 
{$urls.pages.identity} -> Url of the section «Personal data» 
{$urls.pages.index} -> Page url 
{$urls.pages.my_account} -> Url section of my account 
{$urls.pages.order_confirmation} -> Url section of the order confirmation page. 
{$urls.pages.order_follow} – > Url in the «Order Tracking» 
{$urls.pages.pagenotfound} -> Url of section «404 (Page not found)» 
{$urls.pages.password} -> Url of the section «Recover Password» 
{$urls.pages.pdf_invoice} -> 
{$urls.pages.prices_drop} -> Url section we lowered prices / products discount / discounts 
{$urls.pages.product} -> Product tab url 
{$} -> Url of the searcher section 
{$urls.pages.sitemap} -> Site Map section url 
{$urls.pages.stores} -> Url of the section «Shops / Our stores» 
{$urls.pages.supplier} -> Url from the providers section 
{$urls.pages.register} -> Url log page 
{$urls.theme_assets} -> Url of the «assets» directory of the template / themes / template / assets / 
{$urls.actions.logout} -> Url to close section in the store

{if $page.page_name==’product’ OR $page.page_name==’cart’}


Como borrar los datos de la demo de prestashop

Para ello debemos dirigirnos a los módulos y buscar el de «PrestaShop Cleaner» es totalmente gratuito y desarrollado por PrestaShop

Una vez instalado, pulsamos en configurar y podemos elegir que borrar.


Esta parte elimina productos, características, categorías, etiquetas, imágenes, precios, adjuntos, escenas, stock de productos, grupos de atributos y valores, fabricantes, proveedores…

Pedidos y clientes

Este sección eliminará clientes, carritos, pedidos, conexiones, invitados, mensajes, estadísticas …

Limitaciones de la integridad funcional

Comprueba que todas las relaciones/integridad estén correctas

Limpieza de la base de datos

Elimina todos los residuos que han quedado de la demo


Activar SSL mediante la base de datos

La solución es entrar en la base de datos y en la tabla de prefijo_configuration (el prefijo va depende de tu configuracion)

Buscar los campos PS_SSL_ENABLED y PS_SSL_ENABLED_EVERYWHERE y poner los 2 valores a 1 que sería activado, con esto activamos el SSL en la tienda y en todas las páginas

Si por el contrario queremos desactivarlo, pondremos los valores de esos campos a 0


¿Como poner el slider de la home del prestashop al 100% de la pantalla?

Te vas a la ruta del servidor themes/classic/assets/css/custom.css #wrapper .container{max-width:100%;width:100%;padding-left:0;padding-right:0} #wrapper .featured-products, #wrapper .banner, #wrapper #custom-text{margin:0 15px}
 @media (min-width: 992px) { #wrapper .featured-products, #wrapper .banner, #wrapper #custom-text{max-width:940px}
 @media (min-width: 1200px) { #wrapper .featured-products, #wrapper .banner, #wrapper #custom-text{max-width:1140px}
 @media (max-width: 991px) { #wrapper .featured-products, #wrapper .banner, #wrapper #custom-text{max-width:100%}
 .carousel-control .icon-prev,.carousel-control .icon-next{margin:0}

¿Como quitar el cuadro de seleccionar moneda en prestashop?

Tienes que ir a la sección de módulos y buscar «moneda» y pulsar en desactivar el modulo, ya no te aparecerá el selector.


PrestaShop 1.6.x. Error “An error occurred while updating an object. product ()”

Para solucionar este problema “An error occurred while updating an object. product ()”

Usted debe ejecutar las siguientes SQL en su servidor de base de datos, cambiado ps_ por el prefijo de su base de datos.

ALTER TABLE `ps_product` ADD` pack_stock_type` int (11) DEFAULT UNSIGNED '3';
ALTER TABLE `ps_product_shop` ADD` pack_stock_type` int (11) DEFAULT UNSIGNED '3';
ALTER TABLE `ps_pack` ADD` id_product_attribute_item` int (10) NOT NULL UNSIGNED DESPUÉS `id_product_item`;